Thursday, April 09, 2009

what's your physical address?

so i know that we all live in the electronic age. everything is instant and microwavable (for some reason microwaves always come up in a conversation about the shortcomings of modern convenience). and everyone has an email address (or 5) and phone numbers, im addresses, twitter accounts, blog sites, my space stuff, etc. but could we come up with another way to get someone's home address?
saying, "hey, bob, can i get your physical address?", sounds like some pick up line from the 80s. you might as well be saying, "hey, bob, what's your sign? (wink, wink)".
Maybe we could create a new modern term like, "hey, bob, homeoneogeno?", which, of course, would mean "what's your physical address" without sounding like you want to take your relationship with bob to the next level.

1 comment:

Adam said...

you are a man before your time; a futurist, if you will. i think no matter what word they invent it will still sound like a pick-up line from the 80s.