Friday, April 24, 2009

let's touch base

so while i'm on the subject of uncomfortable, commonly used phrases, what's the point of the term "let's touch base". as in, "hey, bob, nice meeting. call me on monday to touch base about what we discussed."

where does this come from? did the original 'touch baser' decide that, after meeting with someone, he needed to use his pointer finger and gently touch the base of an individual? if so, what did the other person do?...

"why did you just touch my base?"

"i don't know. just seemed like the right thing to do"

"although i'm uncomfortable with this, i pride my self in being open to new ideas. let's set up a meeting to discuss what we just discussed before you touched my base..."

anyways, at work this next week i'm going to try to use the phrase "let's touch base" as many times as possible and see if people take me more seriously.

next weeks dorky business word: mitigate. as in, "our company will utilize government bailout money to mitigate our losses due to managerial mistakes in the previous 43 quarters."


mKla said...

The interpretation I've given it has always been the baseball reference: before a play can be made a base-runner needs to tag the base and then start running. It's the idea of getting grounded, I guess, before moving forward.

However! I find the "touching your base" to be more appealing in a tactile, human interaction sort of way.

So, I think you should attempt to insert "your" in saying "touch base" as often as possible to see if it freaks people out or comforts them.

"We need to meet next Tuesday and just touch yer base before going into the rest of the week..."

Adam said...

Very, very funny. I like it when people deconstruct all the meaningless business jargon that's shot around all day long. I think this should really become a series. Looking forward to you tackling mitigate.

Seth Macchi said...

touch yer base...i love it

Priscilla said...

Glad you're here for my personal entertainment!