Friday, October 12, 2007

my morning routine

this is what i do every morning to stay young


Anonymous said...

Ya I can tell by the intensity in your eyes whenever I look at you! Sometime though you have to promise to where that outfit when we hang out.
The intensity was crushing.

C. Pressley said...

So weird, I do the same routine each day. It sort of freaks out my neighbors, but now that I have added a little Barry Manilow to my routine the folks seem to really enjoy it. Actually, I've started a geriatric group in my community. Each day little old Ethel, she's 80, and I lead a group of older adults through the activity. You know, it really helps you to "hold it" when you have to go number 1. Very helpful. I'm going to have to complain though, because these guys must have been watching us and stole our dance. Very sad about this.
