Thursday, February 28, 2008

i am...

i am a christian. i am in love with Jesus, the only son of God. we have an intimate relationship where i talk to him every day and he talks back. i depend on him to lead me through this life and all that it entails (as a husband, father, friend, worker, and in finance, decisions, opportunities, music, etc.) i am a real person and if you are reading this you probably know me and this is the real deal. Jesus is who i truly love and depend on. this is not just rhetoric. i believe that Jesus provides to all humans the only way to heaven. i believe that the church will live through most of the tribulation (seven years of extreme turmoil) after which time Jesus will rule the earth, on the earth, from Israel. i believe that this is the last or next to last generation on earth before this occurs. i believe that prayer and fasting are incredibly important to the growth of a follower of Christ. i need to do more of that.
i pray for all of the people around me that they would come to know Jesus as a friend who absolutely rocks their world. that they would know the king not some religiosity that is filled with empty rules and leaves them feeling less than. don't you know that he wants the best for you. he is real and wants you? this is not a game and he is not a santa claus. he is a real, living man who is God and one day it will be all too clear. all wisdom of man will seem like a house of cards leaving so many wondering what made so much sense before when they explained away the existence of God. laughing at truth doesn't make truth disappear. i believe that the first step to having a relationship with Jesus is admitting that Jesus is Lord over everything (including your life) and believing that in your heart. then dive into the bible. it is full of the stuff that life is made of. let it come into your mind every day and then it starts to flow into your heart. talk to God about it. ask him questions and talk to him. he will answer. this is what prayer is, conversation with God.
God is the only one who fills me. he is my anchor in life. i have no direction without him, but in him i have incredible freedom. all good things in my life flow directly from his hand.
i am in love with my wife. she's my best friend.
i am in love with my boys. they're super cool.

i am blessed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly. And I am with you!!!

