Wednesday, February 27, 2008

bells and squares

went to see the liberty bell and independence hall today. i took a leisurely stroll down market street from the hotel. the last time i was here i was maybe four. it was in the middle of a hot summer and i'm sure we had squeezed about as much patriotism into one day as any young family can. i was able to touch the bell then. now they won't let you. in fact, i had to open my jacket to let military-ish dudes make sure i wasn't packin' any heat. i'm sure that didn't happen when i was four. come to think of it, back then i got so sick from the heat that i puked on the subway tracks in the station. i remember being worried that when the train came, it would slip off the tracks on my vomit. whew, was i relieved when i realized that the engineers who built the train had thought that one through and the train sailed safely to a halt at the station.
i didn't puke today. it was a good day. one thing that would have made today awesome is two little boys by my side and one sexy lady. oh well. south carolina is being blessed with them for now. i can wait, but don't want to be doing this for long...

1 comment:

Holly said...

We are just down the road from you in PA, but all will change when we go back to FL on Sat. We saw that bell, so. . .sooooooooo underwhelming, especially after the pat down.