Monday, May 14, 2007

learning from neighbor kids

our oldest son has begun playing with neighborhood kids. they all sort of started to appear as soon as the cold weather left and they play just about every day now. they're great friends for our little man and i love to listen to their conversations about what they know as fact in their little worlds.

there are three things that God has been showing me from these kids:

1. know all the kids on your street- it seems like a no brainer, but these kids seem to know all of the kids names in a 5 house radius. Jesus instructed his disciples to let the children come to Him and then He blessed them. He told his followers that unless we become like little children we will never enter the kingdom of God. Take the time to meet your smaller neighbors and bless them. and look for their amazing ability to have world changing faith.

2. know all the dogs on your street- kids are masters of the little things. they know about every tiny miracle that happens around them like flowers blossoming or a family of rolly-pollys under a rock. and they definitely know the names of all the dogs around them. take a minute to see the miracles around you.

3. when you want something don't be afraid to ask- one of our neighbors daughters came over the other day just about the time that we were sitting down with some fresh brownies and ice cream. she then said, "my mommy said that i could have some brownies and ice cream with you...and i'd like a drink, please". and you know what she got? that's right, brownies and ice cream and a drink, too.
i wonder how many times i have gone without something just because i haven't 'made my request known' to my Father.

i think that God has so many profound truths wrapped up in mini people. i'm going to start shutting my mouth a little more and start paying more attention to what God speaks through the little ones around me...

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