Wednesday, April 12, 2006

spring has sprung

spring is definitely here. the trees are shootin out their leaves, grass is starting to grow again and turn green. so i got to mow my yard for the first time this year (this year, sarah, our yard won't be the worst one on the street). i love the smell of grass and warm breeze and sunshine. reminds me of the millions of yards i mowed growing up mostly in the sweltering orlando summers.

because of the smell that heat inevitably inspires from animals (namely dogs), i washed the dog today. the more he got wet the more his 'been in the kennel too long' funk kept wafting from him. eventually the grease and stink went away and i am now the proud owner of a fro-ed out malamute.

i've been able to get some good running in, too. running in the freezing cold just has never felt right to me. ok, i admit it. i'm a weenie with cold and i've been stuck on a tread mill for a few months now. i can't stand running in freezing weather. by the time i get back home all of my digits have disappeared from my senses.

IN SUMMARY: abundant foliage, mowed; stink unbearable, washed dog; warm weather not cold, ran off of the hamster wheel. spring is awesome!

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