Saturday, March 11, 2006

car show!!!

i gotta tell you. ever since we found out we were having a boy the first time, i have been waiting to take E to go do 'guy' things. football games, races, baseball, large piles of dirt, etc. but today we got to go to the mother of them all. the greater kansas city international car show. i mean with a name like that how can it not be cool...

E got to get into bunches of brand new cars and act like he was driving and got to see all sorts of cool cars and trucks. He even got to get behind the wheel of his favorite, the mini cooper.he go to eat the largest pretzel known to man. how does the little man eat something that is larger than his head? mysteries of the universe...

our good friend dan helped E hold up a hummer.

ok, so E was more interested in the pretzel at the time and not the impending doom of dan. you gotta have priorities...

but the coolest thing that i saw was this baby. It's called the gladiator and it's made by jeep. and yeah, it's a diesel.

and if that wasn't enough, when we got home the ice cream truck was going by. E asked what they were doing. well, being the concerned father that i am, i couldn't just let my son walk around ignorant to the knowledge of ice cream trucks so he walked away with a fresh eskimo pie and a huge smile.

now E is asleep in his room for a well earned rest. way to go, little man!

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